Kitchen Organics Basket

Get your own Kitchen Organics Basket today!

Each year Council makes available a roll of 150 compostable bags to households and businesses to use in their kitchen caddies. This year’s supply is now available to collect from Payinthi (128 Prospect Road) during business hours, including Saturdays from 10am to 4pm*. If you run out of bags before the next annual supply, certified compostable bags can also be purchased at local supermarkets or you could line your basket with newspaper.

If you don’t have or are missing a kitchen organics basket at your property, collect one* for free from Payinthi or email us at

*Please provide proof of residency when collecting compostable bags and kitchen organics baskets. A rates notice, valid licence or copy of a recent bill on your phone is acceptable.

Items suitable for the kitchen organics basket include:

  • Fruit and vegetable scraps
  • Dairy products (e.g. cheese, no plastic bags)
  • Egg shells, oyster shells
  • Tissues and paper serviettes
  • Meat and bones (raw or cooked)
  • Tea bags and coffee
  • Hair

Items NOT accepted in the kitchen organics basket:

  • Plastic bags
  • Cling wrap
  • Dishcloths and sponges
  • Nappies
  • Cigarette butts or ash
  • Kitty Litter
  • Cans and metals
  • Glass and ceramics

If you would like more information on our Kitchen Organics Basket program, please call (08) 8269 5355 or email us at