
What is a deputation?

A deputation is a way of bringing an issue to the notice of all Elected Members at a Council meeting. This can be a particular matter of concern to either an individual or a group of people. Note that Deputees cannot participate in the debate or ask any questions of Council.

What can I speak about?

The topic spoken on must be relevant to matters for which the Council or Committee has responsibility. You are required to provide sufficient information regarding the issue and indicate the preferred meeting at which you would like to be heard. The details you supply should be clear in stating the topic upon which you wish to speak to the Council or Council Committee.  To determine what topics are going to be scheduled at any forthcoming Council or Committee meeting you can either access Council’s website to view agendas or contact Council on (08) 8269 5355.

How can I request to make a Deputation?

If you or a group of people want to make a deputation, you must deliver to the Civic Centre, a written request to the Council or by completing all the details on the Deputation Request Form at least five clear days before the meeting at which you wish to speak (by close of business on the Wednesday before the Council Meeting).

Submit your deputation request to Council to:
City of Prospect
Attn: Chief Executive Officer
128 Prospect Road
(PO Box 171)
Prospect SA 5082
or email

What happens with my request?

Once your deputation request is received by the Chief Executive Officer, it will then be provided to the Mayor (or the Presiding Member of the Committee if the deputation request relates to a Council Committee). The Mayor or Presiding Member will then confer with the Chief Executive Officer. The Mayor or Presiding Member will advise the CEO whether or not the deputation is allowed. Council will then contact you to advise the outcome of your deputation request, and if you are permitted to speak will confirm the date and time of the relevant meeting.

If consent for a deputation is refused by the Mayor or Presiding Member, it must be reported at the next Council or Committee meeting. The Council or Committee does have the power to allow you to make a deputation even though the Mayor or Presiding Member had initially refused your request. A council may also refer the hearing of a deputation to a Council Committee.

Making the deputation

Once you have received confirmation that your request has been granted, you are ready to attend a Council or Committee meeting.

Your deputation will commence approximately five to ten minutes following the opening of the meeting at 7.00pm (for Council Meetings, check the time for Committee Meetings). The exact time will depend on the Agenda and any other Deputations listed.

The Mayor or Presiding Member will invite you to come forward and make your deputation on the topic or issues which you have nominated.

You will be asked to state your name and address which will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. You will have five minutes in total to present your deputation.

After you have made your deputation, Elected Members will be invited to ask you questions.


You are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner at the level of formality appropriate to the meeting. You are to refrain from making defamatory or derogatory comments and any comments that are criticism of Council members or Council staff must not be made during the deputation.

Council and Committee meetings are open to the public and there are no privileges protecting you in relation to defamation. Any matters of concern regarding Council Members and Council staff can be raised formally in writing with the Chief Executive Officer or as per the Complaints Handling procedures.

Members of the public are welcome to attend all Council and Section 41 Committee meetings but cannot participate in the debate at these meetings.

Deputations undertaken in accordance with the Code of Practice-Procedures at Meetings and the Local Government (Procedures at Meetings) Regulations 2013.