Verges/Nature Strips
Verge means the council-owned area between the kerb (or edge of carriageway) and property boundary or, in the case where there is no paved or formed footpath, the whole area between the kerb and property boundary.
Council’s standard or undeveloped verges are generally constructed of either loam, crushed rubble or dolomite.
Council Verge Maintenance
Maintenance rounds and intervals are determined by Council and take into account environmental conditions, weather conditions, growth patterns and other any other relevant factors.
Verge Developments
Landscaped verges are an important aspect of the amenity and biodiversity of the City of Prospect. Verges help to sustain tree health, provide habitat, store carbon and cool streets. Verges also provide an opportunity to enhance green infrastructure and contribute to the individuality of the City’s streetscapes.
Council’s Verge Development Policy and City Works Guide set out the application process for residents to obtain Council approval to modify a verge, which includes selecting appropriate treatments and materials that may be used as part of the development as well as taking on responsibility for the ongoing maintenance.
Council encourages verge developments that result in:
- Increased amenity
- Increased biodiversity
- Increased habitat opportunities
- Mitigation of the urban heat island effect
- Opportunities to build and sustain a vibrant, connected and resilient community.
Verge Development Applications
Any development on verges must be approved by the Council and works must not commence until approval has been provided.
Verge development applications must be made in writing by completing a City Works City Works Permit Application Form and lodging with Council:
Post: PO Box 171, Prospect SA 5082
In person: 128 Prospect Road, Prospect
City Works Guide and Application Form
City Works Guide - Facts Sheet - Verge Irrigation Applications
Please note that property owners must endorse verge development applications in writing for developments where the application is made by another party (e.g. tenants or developers).
Verge Development Guidelines
As Council is responsible for managing risk associated with any verge developments, it is necessary that we approve plant species, design specifications, and materials to be used to ensure they are appropriate and will not present a risk to the community. It is also important for us to obtain agreement from residents to maintain these plantings appropriately to ensure they won’t interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
Although we are pleased for residents to undertake plantings of this nature the following plants and materials are not permitted:
- Synthetic turf or artificial grass
- Plants that are spikey, prickly, poisonous or sharp;
- Weeds of a national significance such as declared weeds or alert weed species
- Concrete or pavers
- Rough, course and irregular mulch materials that are uncomfortable or difficult to walk on and may present a trip or slip hazard
We also discourage the construction of retaining walls of any kind as we have found these can present as a trip hazard to pedestrians.
Australia’s Statutory Authority to regulate agricultural and veterinary chemicals in Australia is the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). This is the Authority upon which chemicals are given approval for use (within pre-determined guidelines). This includes Glyphosate.
The APVMA website contains a significant amount of information regarding Glyphosate ( and their final regulatory position is “Glyphosate is registered for use in Australia and APVMA approved products containing Glyphosate can continue to be used safely according to label directions.”
Council staff also use other methods to control weed growth on public land including hand weeding and slashing. Staff continue to engage with other councils and experts in the field to identify suitable new weed control methods that may become available.
Do Not Spray Zone
Residents who maintain the verge adjacent to their property may request that weed spraying treatments are not carried out by Council.
If you would like information on nature strips within City of Prospect, please contact us on (08) 8269 5355 or email