Green Tunnel Project

Attractive tree-lined streets with beautiful leafy green canopies are a unique feature of Prospect.  

Our iconic Green Tunnels, streets lined with trees where their canopies grow to touch across the street, are fundamental to creating a sense of place and increasing health and wellbeing across the City of Prospect.

Increasing tree canopy cover through planting Green Tunnels will address the impacts of the challenges presented in this strategy through increasing biodiversity, cleaning the air and capturing carbon dioxide, reducing the heat island effect, protecting infrastructure assets, managing stormwater, providing shade, improving health and wellbeing, and cooling our city.

Using the Heat Maps developed through Council’s Urban Heat and Tree Canopy Mapping Project in collaboration with Resilient East , Council is prioritising areas of public land for planting, to create ‘green tunnels’ and a cooler, liveable City. By identifying urban heat spots, we take on a proactive approach to tree planting and increase local resilience.

Trees are a long-term investment, and it can take between 10 to 30 years to experience the benefits of today’s actions. Selected species will be chosen based on their ability to form a ‘green tunnel’, with canopies eventually touching across a street overtime. By planting larger trees, we can also achieve a ‘green tunnel’ effect faster.

If you would like any more information on our Green Tunnel Project, please contact us on (08) 8269 5355 or email