Parking expiations

Council has installed a variety of parking restrictions throughout the city to ensure safe and equal access to streets and parking spaces for all.

These parking restrictions are in line with the South Australian Road Rules. These restrictions may be active from different parts of the day to maximise parking opportunities for everyone.

As a driver, it is your responsibility to review the parking signs as well as any painted markings on the road each time you park in an area and before leaving your vehicle.

If you have received an expiation notice, it is due to an alleged parking offence committed in relation to your vehicle. To learn more about what and why each parking offence exists, please visit A guide to parking in Prospect.

Pay your expiation notice

You have 28 days from the issue date of the original expiation to make full payment. To find the 'pay by' date, please refer to the original notice you received on your vehicle or via post.

If you do not pay your expiation by this date, late fees may be added.

Expiations can be paid in the following ways:

  • Online
  • By mail to PO Box 171, Prospect
  • By calling our Customer Service team on 8269 5355 during business hours
  • In person at Payinthi (128 Prospect Road) during opening hours.

When paying your expiation, remember to have your original notice with you which contains your expiation number and vehicle registration number.

Pay your parking expiation

Need a payment extension?

If you need more time to pay your time, you may be able to apply for an extension. Please call us on 8269 5355 for more information.

To apply for a payment arrangement that will spread your payment over a longer period, you will need to contact the Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit on 1800 659 538 or visit their website.

Nominate another driver or owner

Generally the registered vehicle owner is responsible for parking expiations issued to their vehicle.

If your vehicle received an expiation and you were not the driver or did not own the vehicle at the time of the offence, you can complete the nomination form below to have the expiation reissued to the correct person.

Apply for a Nomination Form

Apply to waive expiation

If you believe the expiation issued is incorrect, unfair, or you had a legitimate reason to be illegally parked, you are entitled to lodge an application (with supporting evidence) for waiving the offence in writing.

Please note, in most cases we take a photo of the alleged offence at the time of issuing an expiation.

Lodge an Expiation Review Form

Elect to be prosecuted in court

If your application to waive your expiation has been denied, you can elect to be prosecuted.

If you choose to be prosecuted, a summons will be issued to attend court on a nominated date and time.

If you are found guilty, the Court may require you to pay not only a court fine as a penalty, but also prosecution and court costs and levies. A conviction may also be recorded.

Please be aware that once you have chosen this option, you cannot change your mind and seek to be expiated.

Frequently asked questions

Under the Expiation of Offences Act, infringement notices are not required to be attached to vehicles. Details of the offence may be taken, including photo and video footage, and an expiation notice posted to the registered owner of the vehicle.

There are several reasons why a physical ticket might not be placed on your vehicle:

  • It might not be safe for our inspectors to approach your vehicle due to heavy traffic or other hazards
  • You may have driven away before the inspector could place a ticket
  • Adverse weather may prevent the safe placement of a physical ticket.

All fees associated with parking offences are determined by the State Government and reviewed on an annual basis. Councils do not set or have input into the fee structure.

Even a very short stop in a No Stopping zone, clearway, bicycle lane or on a continuous yellow line is considered a parking violation. This includes stopping to quickly drop off or pick up passengers or goods.

These areas are designated for the free flow of traffic, and even a brief stop can create a hazard.

Consistent enforcement helps maintain order and discourages habitual violations. While it may seem inconvenient to receive a fine for a short stop, it's important to remember that the potential risks outweigh the convenience of parking illegally.

By following parking regulations, we all contribute to a safer and more efficient road environment.

If you would like any more information on parking related matters within City of Prospect, please contact us on 8269 5355 or at

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