Abandoned vehicles
When a vehicle is left in the same stationary position for more than 24 hours, Council may act to establish whether the vehicle is abandoned, stolen or presenting an imminent or environmental hazard.
Call us on 8269 5355 to report an abandoned vehicle.
When making a report to Council, please include as much information as possible, such as:
- exact location of vehicle
- type of vehicle
- registration number.
What is not considered an abandoned vehicle:
A vehicle that is registered to an address close to the current location of the vehicle
If the vehicle is parked lawfully and close to the registered owner's address, they’re permitted to park for extended periods of time in untimed parking areas. We recommend communicating with your neighbours to verify ownership before contacting Council.
Unregistered vehicle
Under the Motor Vehicles Act, Council staff are not authorised to act upon unregistered vehicles. This is a matter for South Australia Police, who can be contacted on 131 444.
Not sure if a vehicle is registered? Check easily using the State Government's free Check a registration form.
Impounded vehicles
If a vehicle has been deemed abandoned, in some instances Council may impound the vehicle, with prior notification.
If this occurs, costs are charged for the recovery, including towing and storage fees. Stolen vehicles will be reported to South Australia Police and returned to the owners where possible.
If you would like any more information on parking related matters within City of Prospect, please contact us on 8269 5355 or at admin@prospect.sa.gov.au.