ANZAC Day public holiday
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Payinthi (128 Prospect Road, Prospect), including Council offices, Prospect Library and Newmarch Gallery, will close on Thursday 25 April 2024 for the ANZAC Day Public Holiday.

Calls made to Council on 8269 5355 will be transferred to our after-hours service centre, but our online services will still be available, and items (excluding large toys) can be returned in our after-hours return chute on Prospect Road.

All Council services will resume on Friday 26 April 2024.

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Rosemont Hall – Public Safety and Access Concerns

Current status

Sunnys received full development approval in early September 2022. With development approval now granted, Council’s role in the assessment of this development has finished.

Next steps

With development approval now granted, Sunnys can commence construction.


In September 2021, a devastating fire in caused significant damage to Rosemont Hall and Sunny’s Shop. Much of the building was destroyed, and the heritage listed front wall and verandah were badly damaged as a result.

The damaged site posed significant risk to public safety. With the loss of their supporting structure, the remaining parts of the front wall and verandah were temporarily secured by insurers of Rosemont Hall. However, multiple engineers provided advised the structure continued to present a significant risk of collapse without warning. Protective barriers were installed on the eastern side of the site to protect the public on expert advice in collaboration with the Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT), the insurers of Rosemont Hall, Council’s own insurers, and Council itself.

In line with advice received and in the interest of public safety, the decision was made to demolish the remaining structure. This demolition finished in late April 2022.

What is proposed to be built to replace Rosemont Hall?

The owners of the property lodged their application for the construction of a new building (a single storey restaurant) to replace Rosemont Hall. The owners have indicated that the new building has been designed to replicate the Rosemont Hall as closely as possible, including a replicated parapet wall and canopy over the footpath.

The application for the replacement restaurant building was on public consultation until 22 December 2021. Submissions received during the period of public consultation were subsequently considered by the applicant, who then had an opportunity to provide a response.

You can view the agenda with the submissions, response and other application information here.