ANZAC Day public holiday
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Payinthi (128 Prospect Road, Prospect), including Council offices, Prospect Library and Newmarch Gallery, will close on Thursday 25 April 2024 for the ANZAC Day Public Holiday.

Calls made to Council on 8269 5355 will be transferred to our after-hours service centre, but our online services will still be available, and items (excluding large toys) can be returned in our after-hours return chute on Prospect Road.

All Council services will resume on Friday 26 April 2024.

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Join a Book Group

Calling all bookworms (and casual book enthusiasts)! Are you keen to join or start your own book club?

Prospect Library offers a diverse book group collection, featuring almost 100 titles. Our range features everything from tried and tested classics, Australian literature and popular non-fiction to POC authors, Booker Prize winners and a collection of banned books.

Click here for a full list of Prospect Library’s book group collection titles.

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